How To Save Water In The Kitchen And Bathroom?

It’s essential to mention that water is a vital resource for every domestic household worldwide. The fact that only 1% of the planet’s water is deemed fit for human use is why conserving it is crucial. More and more people must awaken their mental conscience and make efforts to save water- at first, in the house. There are plenty of ways by which an ordinary human can save gallons of water annually. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the methods that can help humans save water in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Save Water In The Kitchen And Bathroom

1.) Practicing Water-Smart Cooking Techniques
People washing vegetables and fruits by the kitchen sink with the sink running are familiar across almost every household. If you are also one of them, try storing the necessary amount of water in a bowl to wash the contents and turn off the faucet after the bowl is filled to the brim. You can now wash the fruits and vegetables while also saving on water. Open the tap for refilling the bowl when necessary eventually. One must remember that while water is slowly going extinct, keeping the water running can waste up to four gallons of water per minute.

2.) Defrost Food In The Refrigerator Or Microwave
The internet is filled with tricks and hacks for defrosting food. One of the standard methods that are practiced worldwide is pouring cold water over the item. Although typical, this is a wasteful practice. You could instead choose to plan and defrost foods in the refrigerator the day before. Additionally, if you don’t have a fridge per se, then the next best alternative is a microwave, where you get the defrost setting.

3.) Use An Energy-Efficient Dishwasher
Another common myth widely believed globally is that dishwashers consume a considerable amount of water for cleaning utensils. While there’s no denying that older versions of the appliance would consume loads of water, the latest models come as updated and water-efficient. According to a public survey, an average human being needs a rough 75 L of water for hand-washing the utensils in the sink, whereas the dishwasher only uses under 20 L.

4.) Fix Leaks Immediately
Even the tiniest water leaks in a domestic environment can waste up to 11,000 L of water in a year. People must take measures to save this water by fixing any potential leak in the house. If the leak is not visible or identifiable, then you must consider calling a residential plumber. Furthermore, till the leakage is fixed, you could also place a bucket to save the dripping water. This water can later be used for a variety of domestic purposes.

5.) Install A Motion-Sensor Faucet
One of the most innovative ways to save water in the bathroom and the kitchen is installing motion sensors. They can effectively contribute to saving water as they automatically shut off. Additionally, they are convenient for sanitation and cleaning as the user doesn’t need to use their dirty hands to operate the faucet.

6.) Insulate Your Hot Water Pipes
It’s noteworthy to mention that putting more insulation on the plumbing pipes contributes to retaining the heat through the pipes. This method can also help you in water conservation due to the hot water rising through the plumbing to reach the taps faster. Therefore you won’t waste water by waiting for the hot water to arrive for doing the dishes.

Bonus Note: If you go to wait for the hot water to arrive while letting the cold water go unused, you can place a bucket underneath the faucet to store that unused water for future use- cooking, cleaning, or drink.
If you still need more information, you can call us at Platts Plumbing. We are an established outfit for residential plumber. Our industry-wide reputation is a testament to our professional competence.